Leading Full-Service

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

JBCStyle: Batter Up Style

It's been a long day, and at 6:00 p.m. many of us are still here doing that thing we do - finding jobs in the fashion and retail industry for you. Whether you are a client who needs to staff, or a fresh-out-of-college-Annie, Devil Wears Prada style, we will find what you are looking for.

JBCStyle - Post 5 p.m. and still working

Sorry Pac Man, we're working

Creative & Social Director Anisha Lakhani with Pax Zaslow and Harold Moscowitz
We work, we play, and we all genuinely like each other. But we still think it would be really fun to randomly replicate this scene one day and pretend that we hate our job.

But before we get too self-congratulatory, let's get real - our style is mad weird. Why is Ashley in a cage in Bryan's office? WHY is there a cage in Bryan's office?

Poor Ashley

Inspired by the Office Space scene, Bryan thinks, "Damn, it woud feel good to be a gangsta"
We're just kidding - the cage is in preparation for the most amazing arrival JBCStyle has encountered in all its years: tomorrow night Pax Zaslow will have a baby sister. Hello Rylee Zaslow, your throne awaits. . .

There are no words to describe this little girl.
Life is short. Love what you do. Work with the people (and pets) you love. That's JBCJob Style.


  1. I agree that Life is way too short! You should love what you do and work with the people and dogs you love! I like the JBCJob Style!
    Welcome to, your soon-to-be newest addition, "Riley!" We have a "Riley" girl Yellow 6 yr. old Lab and a Chocolate 9 yr. old Lab "Kori" girl, both of which we totally adore and count as valued members of our family! They add joy to everyday of my life! I hope your "Riley" will be as wonderful as our "Riley" and our "Kori!" And by the way, my girls miss their big sis, Nikki, the Best dog caretaker in the world besides their mom (that would be me!)...Hope all goes well and looking forward to pictures as your "Riley" grows up...Gotta love those Labs!!!! They're the Best!
    from, Nikki's Mom (Julie)
    PS can't wait to meet everyone at JBCStyle!

  2. Haha THANKS MOM!!! You need to visit JBC soon :)

  3. Bryan informed us today that it shall be spelled Rylee. We are all so excited to meet Rylee! Nikki's Mom! So honored that JBCParents comment on our blog - how very stylish!
