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Friday, December 17, 2010

JBCStyle: Featuring Marks + Frantz and JBC Top 10 Favorite Home Decor Sites

Carrie told us she has been "cheating on fashion with furniture," but the real secret is HOW fashion managed be sexier than Mr. Big, and who brought the sexy back to home decor?

Meet Lydia Marks and Lisa Frantz, the design team behind all (yes, ALL) the sets for Sex and the City - both the movies and the HBO series. They did Devil Wears Prada and The Namesake, too, and sets for for labels including Mercedes Benz, Calvin Klein, Neiman Marcus, Vanity Fair, and Saks Fifth Avenue. And. . . stop the presses, they've opened a Manhattan based interior design firm and now they are available to do YOUR home. We caught up with Lydia and Lisa at the beautiful National Arts Gallery at 15 Gramercy Park where they were giving a lecture on the processes involved in creating the decor for Sex and the City - "We felt that Carrie would have designed the apartment she lives in with Big in mind. . . that's why it's very masculine in nature. But that gorgeous, flower rug in the living room?"

"That's from The Rug Company," Lydia informs. "It's called Candy Flower by Marni. That is all Carrie! See, she found areas to peep through!"

Lisa and Lydia are as fun and vibrant and high-energy and resourceful as you would imagine them to be, and if you're looking for someone to decorate your home, now you can call the girls who did New York City's original style icon, Carrie Bradshaw.

Thank you, Lisa and Lydia, for the JBCStyle love on your blog - we are massive hams when it comes to being mentioned. When it's from the princesses of high fashion interior decor, we do a little mid-afternoon dance of joy. Balki Bartokomous style.

Obviously we have some InsiderScoop for you - the girls are curating a sale that goes live on Gilt tomorrow for the New York Design Center. . .at noon! We're crazy about Gilt and if you're a member (or want to be, and you should) simply click here. For those of you more into the DIY approach to home decor, here are our favorite sites on home decor - click on any (or we would advise ALL) and you will be taken directly to the site.

Paloma has the most gorgeous pictures, hands down.
Insider Avenue also has a store where you can buy the items you love on their blog.
Just delicious and feminine.
Great ideas on incorporating lighting into your home - and the Ralph Lauren Home exclusive to boot!
Coastal genius and DIY that will make you go WOW!
You can have any look you like for a quarter of the price - and links to where you can buy them!
Erin will just take your breath away whether you like Turquoise or not. A vacation for your computer and soul.
What fun to watch a brownstone in Brooklyn being decorated from one of the most creative individuals online!
More fashion than home, but visually gorgeous.
Great tips for fashion and home, and life in a sippy cup link for you chic new moms!

And lastly from JBCStyle Creative Director Anisha Lakhani, BacktoA.com for anyone who faces an empty one-bedroom apartment and decides they're going to do it by themselves.

Your home likes fashion, too. Don't forget about the home style.


  1. I NEED that Candy Flower rug! It's perfection!

    Thanks a million for including House of Turquoise on your list, and for the kind words! I'm honored to be included with so many fantastic blogs that I love!

  2. With so many emails to go through each day, there are very few sites I actually subscribe to and read - House of Turquoise is always a treat and never disappoints. xx

  3. Thank you so much for the mention! xoxo
    Emily @ Material Girls

  4. House of Turquoise (houseofturquoise.com) is a fantastic site that everyday takes your breath away

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