Leading Full-Service

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Google Launches Think Quarterly, Cyber Style

The supposed great misery of our century is the lack of time; our sense of that, not a disinterested love of science, and certainly not wisdom, is why we devote such a huge proportion of the ingenuity and income of our societies to finding faster ways of doing things - as if the final aim of mankind was to grow closer not to a perfect humanity, but to a perfect lightning flash.

In its next step toward ultimately taking over the world, Google just launched its first magazine, Think Quarterly, and it's a knockout. Sixty-two clean, stylish pages created by London-based design firm The Church of London (the minute you go to their site it will make absolute sense why Google chose them to layout their magazine) and made available for public viewing via Issuu (get a free account now - again, the reason will be immediately apparent upon log in). We love the design, the content, and just about everything about Think Quarterly, which is dedicated to the singular topic of data management. View it below, or click here and a PDF of the entire magazine will be downloaded on your desktop within seconds.

If you expect a magazine that will inundate you with new gadgets, new technology, and NEW, faster ways to speed up your already insanely fast lifestyle, think again style.  Think Quarterly appreciates white space, time to reflect, and. . . humor. The first issue tackles our data OBESITY problem; it's all about watching your cyber calories these days.

Have a snickers and enjoy. . .

This is, far and away, the most impressive publication we have seen online in a long time. In a society so obsessed with speed, JBCStyle is all about sitting down four times a year and thinking. . . they're just starting us with doing it quarterly, baby steps style.

Gaga for Google style.

*A thank you to Vinny Ahooja for always selecting the life-altering books. The French Lieutenant's Woman, The Catcher In The Rye, Atlas Shrugged, The Intelligent Investor, and on, and on. . .

Monday, March 28, 2011

R.S. Durant Jewelers Style

Tracy Stern hosted a fabulous jewelry trunk show at her new West Side apartment featuring iconic jewelers R.S. Durant. The jewelers opened their first store in The Peninsula Hotel thirty years ago, and today they can be found at their Madison Avenue location. The intimate trunk show featured pink diamond martinis with Rouge vodka - girlfriends and gorgeous, glittering diamonds. . . sparkling evening style! Enjoy scenes from the evening, brought to you from Manhattan Society.

Christopher London bridge is falling down, my fair lady style. . .

Copyright ©Manhattan Society.com 2011

Artbridge Between The Lines Spring 2011 Style

The deadline is April 1, 2011. . .

The New York City non-profit organization dedicated to transforming the city's surfaces announced a call for new entries - art, photography. . . and a new musical twist for its first ever indoor installation. This year they have partnered with Epic Records for a Spring 2011 installation - and YOU CAN WIN. Here's how. . .

Katie Holmes John Frieda Style

There's no creek or cruise style in this short film, which Katie Holmes celebrated at Lavo the other night. Just the promise of great hair, John Frieda style.

Forget Dawson and Tom. . . we know we should think hair, but all we can think of is Pacey style.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ralph Lauren Waves of Compassion Style

We love everything about Ralph Lauren's Japan Hope Polos right now. . .

But what we love best. . .

Blood Donor Style

“Bottom line is that people need to donate blood often and regularly in order to meet the need for fresh blood.” 
-CNN Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Dr. Sanjay Gupta isn’t as loud as Dr.Phil, or as old as Dr. Spock, or as sexy as Dr. Ruth(short can be sexy), or as into displaying gross body organs as Dr. Oz, but there’s just something about his style that makes us sit up straight and listen. He gives us the 101 on the state of blood in the United States and he doesn’t mince words. If you’re down with Gupta, your down with blood donation style.
JBCStyle COO Keith Geller spearheaded an office field trip yesterday. When asked why give blood, he didn’t offer up any of the alarming statistics Dr. Gupta shares; but his response was just as convincing:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Stephanie Winston Wolkoff Style

In her FIRST post-NYFW 2011 round-up, Director of Fashion at Lincoln Center finally relaxes her neutral stance and shares some of her personal favorites. . . including the one designer who stole The Stage style. . .keep reading. We have the interview and the show.

Director of Fashion Lincoln Center, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff
One stop shop, blog style.

Retail Networking Event Style

The first one was so nice, we decided to do it twice. HR Managers and Directors of Stores seeking Store Managers and Sales Associates. . . and everything in between. . .meet, greet, network, and hire.

With a cocktail and some hors d'oeuvres on us style.

A confirmed RSVP from us after you email RSVP@jbcstyle.com is required for entry. . . if you have positions to fill (or are in a position to fill) why not let us help you sprinkle some productivity into your happy hour?

Straight up JBCStyle.

Bryan Zaslow Dot Com Style

We're getting a head start on spring cleaning at JBCStyle - - out with the old, in with the new style. New logo, new website, and we're painting the town - and our walls - red red red style. Bryan Zaslow's website was next in line, and here's the new site to go with our new JBCStyle Chic Style. . .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

City of Dreams Style

The New York team was overjoyed when JBCStyle VP Randy Heil relocated to Manhattan. Still amidst apartment hunting and settling in, Randy allowed Publicity Director Anisha Lakhani to drag him to the Penthouse Terrace of The Crown Building. . . former home to Playboy Enterprises, and now owned by Russian designer, Helen Yarmak, famous for her Rock and Royal furs. . . think luxury minks and sables treated in rock 'n roll, neon hues.

A West Coast lifestyle left behind, a memory of a bleak Russian winter at the apex of the country's economic crisis, and now only a slate sky, slash of skyscrapers, and Central Park unraveling at their feet. Height always lends perspective style.

Randy Heil East Coast Style
Anisha Lakhani and Randi Heil
City paved in dreams style.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Kim's PrelovedReloved Style

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle in that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
                                       -Dylan Thomas

Kim's Eternal Love Style
We love Kim's blog PrelovedReloved, and not just because she says she's all about rocking the clashing flowers look right now, or that she scored the Topshop dress she coveted on Ebay for 4 pounds. . . yup, as in she's British, not Entenmann's cake pound cake style. A Northerner adrift in West London. . .we dig Kim's dedication to digging for second-hand treasures because they keep the light alive. Dylan Thomas style.   

Both Kim's grandfather and father had cancer, and she lost her father this January 7th. An ocean away, but somehow not so far, we took pause on a busy Friday afternoon. And it was worthwhile; the heart, when moved, is an elastic organ that knows no bounds.

In 2011, Kim will only buy second-hand clothing and is already spinning a fun, heart-warming blog about it - BUT also garnering attention for Macmillan Cancer Support in honor of both her grandfather and father.

With humor, with love, and with incredible grace and style Kim keeps the light alive, Dylan Thomas style.

Anna Coroneo, Art and Fashion Style

We find Owen Hoffman's photograph from last night's A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words Anna Coroneo exhibition very stylish. . .

Black and white. Movement. Scribbles. Frenzy. Humor. Art surrounds art style.

Photo credit: Owen Hoffman, Patrick McMullan Studios

As good as chocolate and peanut butter style. . . 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lady Gaga Can Thierry Mugler If You Like Style

All were upstaged by Lady Gaga, the great performing artist of the 21st century. . .
Suzy Menkes, The New York Times

I don't speak German, but I can if you like style. Gaga literally goes gaga for her stylist Nicola Formichetti, so when the latter happens to be the designer for the legendary Thierry Mugler label (anything epic in the 80s is legendary in our book style) don't think for one second the Parisian runways weren't going to get a little appearance, NYC Style.

Obviously she's from New York. . . here's the whole show (which Mugler live streamed on their Facebook page) See for yourself why rumors are flying that even Anna smiled. . .

We love how Menkes' Times article from this morning ends - quoting Mr. Formichetti: "It's not so much about the clothes."

It took Gaga to shut the Galliano frenzy up - it's all about the Born This Way style, right Perez? It's cool to be provocative, it's cool to be a little crazy, but do it with some spread the love style. We're all born this way style.

Bryan Zaslow on BBC as Fashion World Continues to React to Dior's Decision: John Galliano Sacked Style

Click play icon below to listen, then support on Facebook and click here to post to your page. . .

No tolerance for intolerance style.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

ZFiles: JBCStyle CEO Bryan Zaslow on John Galliano, Straight Talk Style

The toast of discerning sites like Style.com and all things Vogue and WWD just went from being dubbed "provocative and brilliant" to plain burnt toast in my eyes. The stench nauseates.  As for the scheduled show this coming weekend? Talk about Sunday, bloody Sunday.

As the Founder and CEO of JBCStyle, the leading fashion and retail recruitment agency with offices flanking both coasts, there is virtually no aspect of fashion I do not touch. I love what I do. I respect the people who work with me. And above all, I pride myself in being fair-minded and open to the opinions of others. I was shocked by John Galliano's display of anti-semitism, but I make a practice - not only in the JBCStyle office, but also at home with my family - of being level-headed and not jumping to conclusions. I could sympathize briefly as industry heavy-hitters fumbled and tried to make excuses for such behavior. I waited for a retraction, or an admission, or even the slightest display of remorse on the designer's part for a gross misunderstanding. And waited. 

Galliano's recent overtures are too late. If he was joking, or being merely "provocative" in The Sun's exclusive video, it's a humor and a provocation I neither care to understand, nor have patience to decipher. By comparison, Natalie Portman's immediate and public reaction was a beacon. Grey is lovely on a cashmere sweater, or a pair of slacks; not on morality. 

I find fence-sitters unstylish. Read more>>

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Vanity Fairest, Sexy Back Style

We like big. . . style and we will not lie. . .

Oscar sprung style.

Eva Arriba, Mendes Style

Sophia Loren, South Beach style. . .

Vanity Fair-est. . . Oscar Style

Mirror, mirror on the. . .hedge, who was the vanity fairest of them all? They're so vanity they probably think this blog is about them. . .

Well-deserved style. . .